Simona Chifan – Logistics Staff

In 2015, the tailspin of the global financial crisis led to the closure of the company I was working for at the time. As a result, I found myself in my 50s, having to start again. If I look at my life today, I feel really fulfilled and happy.

How did you get to Guerrini?
In June 2022 I will have been working at Guerrini for 4 years. Before arriving here, I worked for over 15 years in a large and well-known boatyard specialising in luxury yachts. I was very happy there and I was convinced that I would work there until I retired. But in 2015, the tailspin of the global financial crisis led to the closure of the company. So, at 50 years old, I had to start again. I used an agency and worked in different companies, but always temporarily, until I arrived at Guerrini. I worked through an agency for a year, then they hired me!

Who was the first person you met at Guerrini?
Mr Valerio, the father…the owner.
The first day I arrived at Guerrini I was not immediately placed in the warehouse, but I was in charge of a machine. I was tense and excited. Working right next to me was Mr. Valerio. He immediately put me at ease, I felt welcomed. He’s a really good person and I respect him a lot. I like kind people and he’s just like that. His kindness is contagious, because even his children, although they’re all different, are very kind, just like their father. They are all good-hearted people. Also the colleagues, Manuel, my manager, and Alessia, the colleague who works next to me. At Guerrini I get on really well with everyone.

And what are your passions outside of work?
Two years ago I bought a beautiful house, 2 km from the company. I was really lucky, it’s a historic house, almost 300 years old, with a garden: I can take care of my flowers and of my vegetable garden. When I come home in the afternoon, tired after a day’s work, I sit in my garden, maybe with a nice cold drink, and in a few minutes the tiredness disappears.
One of my passions is reading: I love reading a lot, especially the Russian and French classics. At home I have two bookcases that I fill with books: a couple of times a year I go to the second-hand markets in Cremona and buy the best books. Finally, I love cooking, baking, walking and travelling. I like travelling a lot, even if lately it is a passion that I have to postpone, because first I want to finish paying off the house.

Something you would have liked to do?
If I could live a second time, I would continue studying. When I was young I finished high school, but I didn’t go on to university. Today I know exactly what I could have studied: history. I love historical documentaries. I would have liked to have been a history teacher or a librarian: how wonderful to spend my days among all those books!

You like to cook: have you ever prepared anything for your colleagues?
It sometimes happens that we organise convivial moments in the company during the holidays to wish each other well, so I bring something to share. Of course, I invited my women colleagues to see my house and we had dinner together: I wanted to share my joy with them. When there are people with whom I get along really well, I love to spend my free time with them. If I look at my life today, I feel really fulfilled and happy: I have a garden, I have a house, I have a job where I feel so good. I would wish anyone to feel as I do.


February 10, 2022



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