Fabrizio Vescovi – Commercial Manager

One day, as soon as I had finished my accounting studies, my mother came home and told me that she had heard from an acquaintance that Guerrini Valerio was looking for someone. So I proposed myself for an interview. I think they were looking for a girl, but in the end, they chose me.

What exactly do you do?
I started in administration, then little by little I inherited the whole business of estimates and orders. Today I take care of the commercial activity: I develop the Italian, German, Swiss, Bulgarian and Belgian markets. Everything I know, I learned here in the company.

What was the most challenging part?
Understanding how a company works and learning its various dynamics. As I’m basically shy, it wasn’t easy in the beginning to relate to people and take responsibility with customers. Today I can say that this is the part of my job that I love the most. I really enjoy finding the best solutions for clients’ projects, satisfying them wherever possible and meeting their needs. I always try to respond to a customer: even if they call outside of working hours, it is important to have the utmost understanding. The best thing is to feel the sincere gratitude of the customers, to be aware that we have established a relationship.

And the most important lesson?
Here in the company, they have taught me that honesty and transparency always pay off over time: we don’t always have to bring work home at the expense of these two values.
I’m happy to come to work, there’s friendship and solidarity here. It’s a good environment, the owners always recognise the work done and the goals achieved.

How do you see Guerrini Valerio in the coming years?
The company has the potential to grow a lot, if it were up to me, I would sell our products on all possible markets, because we work well and the quality, service and price are excellent. My goal is to grow professionally together with the company. After all, I feel this company as mine and I am happy to see it is growing day by day. Of course, when it has become what I hope it will be, I will have to park a long way away from the entrance to give the customers parking space…and that will be my joy!


December 1, 2021



Via Milano, 3/5 24051 Antegnate (BG)
T. (+39) 0363 905646
F. (+39) 0363 915900

