Manuel Sansone – Logistics Manager

I love sport, especially running and cycling, even at a competitive level. At 5 a.m. I’m already in the streets of my hometown doing a tight training programme. And from 06:30 I start “running” in the warehouse…

How did you get to Guerrini?
Through a friend in common with Giordano Guerrini, Valerio’s son, I found out about an open job position and that’s how I joined the big family of Torneria Automatica Guerrini Valerio 9 years ago.

What exactly do you do?
Today I coordinate 4 people in the warehouse and deal with logistics management, order processing and shipments. With the introduction of digital technologies in the company and the Industry 4.0 approach, we have considerably speeded up work rhythms and reduced error margins. Above all, we are better able to manage last-minute requests for changes from customers.

Do you deal directly with customers?
The relationship with customers is fundamental in my role. They often contact me to ask about the possibility of bringing forward a delivery from what was planned, and if possible, in agreement with production, we always try to satisfy the customer and meet their needs. Over the years, friendly as well as professional relationships have been established with some long-standing customers, and they often call and invite me for a coffee to thank me for the various “intercessions” or for the punctuality with which we deliver the goods ordered.

How would you describe Torneria Guerrini Valerio?
What I like most is the working environment: it is stimulating, familiar, serene. I feel that the company is growing year after year and I feel that I have grown with it, that I am part of it. For me, the most important thing is to wake up every morning with the desire to go to work. Over the years I have built up friendly relationships, with colleagues and customers… It is right that we should grow up, and so should our company, with the hope that it will always maintain the same positive and familiar atmosphere that I have experienced in these first 9 years.


October 6, 2021



Via Milano, 3/5 24051 Antegnate (BG)
T. (+39) 0363 905646
F. (+39) 0363 915900
